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Leading Positive Change through Appreciative Inquiry

Ronald Fry

Appreciative Inquiry is a collaborative and constructive inquiry process that searches for everything that gives life to organizations, communities, and larger human systems when they are most alive, effective, creative and healthy in their interconnected ecology of relationships. To appreciate, quite simply, means to value and to recognize that which has value—it is a way of knowing and valuing the best in life. In the language of Positive Organizational Scholarship it means a research focus—a positive bias—seeking fresh understanding of dynamics described by words like excellence, thriving, abundance, resilience, or exceptional and life-giving.

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Appreciative Inquiry is a collaborative and constructive inquiry process that searches for everything that gives life to organizations, communities, and larger human systems when they are most alive, effective, creative and healthy in their interconnected ecology of relationships. To appreciate, quite simply, means to value and to recognize that which has value—it is a way of knowing and valuing the best in life. In the language of Positive Organizational Scholarship it means a research focus—a positive bias—seeking fresh understanding of dynamics described by words like excellence, thriving, abundance, resilience, or exceptional and life-giving.

In this context the word appreciate means to value those things of value—it is a mode of knowing often connected to the idea of esthetic appreciation in the arts. To appreciate also means to be grateful or thankful for—it is a way of being and maintaining a positive stance along the path of life's journey. And not incidentally, to appreciate is to increase in value too. Combining the three—appreciation as a way of knowing, as a way of being and as an increase in value– suggests that Appreciative Inquiry is simultaneously a life-centric form of study and a constructive mode of practice. As a form of study, Appreciative Inquiry focuses on searching systematically for those capacities and processes that give life and strength and possibility to a living system; and as a constructive mode of practice, it aims at designing and crafting human organizations through a process in which valuing and creating are viewed as one, and where inquiry and change are powerfully related and understood as a seamless and integral whole

Leading Positive Change through Appreciative Inquiry is a course dedicated to advancing our understanding and skill in leading strength-based change and on how to create, foster and manage organizations in which people thrive and perform at their best.

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What's inside


What is Appreciative Inquiry & Why do I care?
Week One defines what Appreciative Inquiry (AI) is and frames it among the growing trend of “strength-based” approaches to human development and organization change. This strength-based perspective is viewed in contrast with deficit-based change which is reportedly successful less than 30% of the time. The unintended consequences of deficit or problem-based change approaches are discussed in contrast with the focus on using strengths to create shared positive images of future possibilities that underlies the AI theory and method.
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Week 2
Week Two underscores the “power of the positive question” and story-telling as effective ways to engage stakeholders in change efforts. Participants in the course are guided to conduct an “appreciative interview” in order to experience the impact of “best past” questions and sharing stories that evidence strengths in action. The fatefulness of the questions leaders ask is demonstrated as a foundational principle in AI.
Week 3
Week Three introduces the AI change method in the form of the “4-D” Cycle. The Discovery, Dream, Design and Destiny phases are described and we see a video example of an appreciative leader reconnecting his organization with their core strengths. This is the outcome of the Discovery Phase and sets the foundation for having multiple stakeholders or team members “dream” or imagine new, positive possibilities for the future. The ability to begin change with a discovery of past strengths in action – or emphasizing stability-in-change - is discussed as a key skill of appreciative leaders.
Week 4
Week Four explores the foundational principles of AI and some of the supporting research and literature that demonstrate the power of positive questions, the relationship between positive future images and our actions, and the importance of positive emotions. These findings converge in a strong implication for leaders that they need to create work spaces that emphasize a 4:1 or greater imbalance of positive imagery over negative or deficit imagery in daily interactions and conversations. The link to the one of the core foundational principles that “words create worlds” is demonstrated.
Week 5
Week Five discusses Topic Choice – or the reframing of problems into affirmative opportunities – as the starting point for AI interventions. A case study of a trucking company is presented, including video, to show how an organization moves from Topic Choice through the Ai 4-D Cycle to launch and sustain positive changes that lead to improved profitability and a transformed union-management culture.
Week 6
Week Six integrates the concepts and ideas from prior weeks through another case study of safety improvement in a steel mill where the outcome from applying the AI approach was unexpected and reinforces a primary proposition in AI that “words create our worlds.” A summary of ideas for how leaders can begin to experiment with AI are summarized along with suggestions for “being” - not just “doing” – Ai in one’s daily life.

Good to know

Know what's good
, what to watch for
, and possible dealbreakers
Explores Positive Organizational Scholarship, which is standard in the field of organizational change
Taught by Ronald Fry, who are recognized for their work in Appreciative Inquiry
Develops positive change leadership and organizational management skills, which are core skills for human development and organizational change
Examines positive psychology, which is highly relevant to organizational change and human development
Equips learners with methods for leading positive organizational change, which may help improve team performance and organizational culture

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Reviews summary

Inspiring course on appreciative inquiry

According to students, this course is a well-received, inspiring, and hopeful exploration of Appreciative Inquiry (AI). Led by Professor Ronald Fry, learners say the engaging course offers a new perspective on leadership and change.

Career center

Learners who complete Leading Positive Change through Appreciative Inquiry will develop knowledge and skills that may be useful to these careers:
Organizational Consultant
An Organizational Consultant works with organizations to help them to improve their performance. They may work with organizations of all sizes, from small startups to large corporations. This course may be useful for Organizational Consultants who want to learn more about how to create and manage positive change in organizations. The course's focus on appreciative inquiry and positive change can help organizational consultants to build relationships with clients and create a culture of change that is conducive to positive change.
Manager of Organizational Development
A Manager of Organizational Development develops and implements programs to help organizations to improve their performance. They may work with organizations of all sizes, from small startups to large corporations. This course may be useful for Managers of Organizational Development who want to learn more about how to create and manage positive change in organizations. The course's focus on appreciative inquiry and positive change can help managers of organizational development to build relationships with employees and create a culture of organizational development that is conducive to change.
Learning and Development Manager
A Learning and Development Manager develops and implements programs to help employees in an organization to improve their skills and knowledge. They may work with employees at all levels, from entry-level employees to senior executives. This course may be useful for Learning and Development Managers who want to learn more about how to create and manage positive change in organizations. The course's focus on appreciative inquiry and positive change can help learning and development managers to build relationships with employees and create a culture of learning and development that is conducive to change.
Leadership Development Manager
A Leadership Development Manager develops and implements programs to help leaders in an organization to improve their skills and performance. They may work with leaders at all levels, from entry-level managers to senior executives. This course may be useful for Leadership Development Managers who want to learn more about how to create and manage positive change in organizations. The course's focus on appreciative inquiry and positive change can help leadership development managers to build relationships with leaders and create a culture of leadership development that is conducive to change.
Change Manager
A Change Manager helps organizations to implement change effectively. They may work with organizations of all sizes, from small startups to large corporations. This course may be useful for Change Managers who want to learn more about how to lead positive change in organizations. The course's focus on appreciative inquiry and positive change can help change managers to create a vision for a more positive future, and to engage stakeholders in the change process.
A Facilitator helps groups to work together effectively. They may work with groups of all sizes, from small teams to large organizations. This course may be useful for Facilitators who want to learn more about how to lead positive change in groups. The course's focus on appreciative inquiry and positive change can help facilitators to build relationships with group members and create a group culture that is conducive to change.
Human Resources Manager
A Human Resources Manager oversees the human resources function of an organization. They may work with organizations of all sizes, from small startups to large corporations. This course may be useful for Human Resources Managers who want to learn more about how to create and manage positive change in organizations. The course's focus on appreciative inquiry and positive change can help human resources managers to build relationships with employees and create a workplace culture that is conducive to change.
Nonprofit Executive Director
A Nonprofit Executive Director oversees the operation of a nonprofit organization. They may work with organizations of all sizes, from small startups to large nonprofits. This course may be useful for Nonprofit Executive Directors who want to learn more about how to create and manage positive change in organizations. The course's focus on appreciative inquiry and positive change can help nonprofit executive directors to build relationships with staff, volunteers, and donors, and create a culture of change that is conducive to positive change.
Diversity and Inclusion Manager
A Diversity and Inclusion Manager develops and implements programs to promote diversity and inclusion in the workplace. They may work with organizations of all sizes, from small startups to large corporations. This course may be useful for Diversity and Inclusion Managers who want to learn more about how to create and manage positive change in organizations. The course's focus on appreciative inquiry and positive change can help diversity and inclusion managers to build relationships with employees and create a workplace culture that is inclusive of all.
Educational Administrator
An Educational Administrator oversees the operation of a school or educational institution. They may work in a variety of settings, such as public schools, private schools, and colleges and universities. This course may be useful for Educational Administrators who want to learn more about how to lead positive change in educational institutions. The course's focus on appreciative inquiry and positive change can help educational administrators to build relationships with students, staff, and parents, and create a school culture that is conducive to learning.
Executive Coach
An Executive Coach provides guidance and support to executives and other leaders in organizations. They may work with leaders on a variety of issues, such as developing their leadership skills, improving their performance, and managing change. This course may be useful for Executive Coaches who want to learn more about how to help their clients to make positive changes in their lives and careers. The course's focus on appreciative inquiry and positive change can help executive coaches to build relationships with their clients and create a coaching environment that is conducive to change.
Community Organizer
A Community Organizer works with communities to identify and address social issues. This may involve working with residents to develop new programs or services, or to advocate for policy changes. This course may be useful for Community Organizers who want to learn more about how to lead positive change in communities. The course's focus on appreciative inquiry and positive change can help organizers to build relationships with community members and create a vision for a more positive future.
A Counselor provides guidance and support to individuals and families. They may work in a variety of settings, such as schools, hospitals, and mental health clinics. This course may be useful for Counselors who want to learn more about how to help their clients to make positive changes in their lives. The course's focus on appreciative inquiry and positive change can help counselors to build relationships with their clients and create a counseling environment that is conducive to change.
Business Consultant
A Business Consultant analyzes businesses and identifies areas where they can improve their performance. They may work with businesses of all sizes, from small startups to large corporations. This course may be useful for Business Consultants who want to learn more about how to lead positive change in organizations. The course's focus on appreciative inquiry and positive change can help consultants to identify and build on the strengths of an organization, and create a vision for a more positive future.
Adult Education Teacher
An Adult Education Teacher educates adults in a wide variety of subjects. They may teach basic skills, such as reading, writing, and math, or they may teach specialized skills for a particular job or industry. This course may be useful for Adult Education Teachers who want to learn more about how to create and manage positive learning environments. The course's focus on appreciative inquiry and positive change can help teachers to build relationships with their students and create a classroom culture that is conducive to learning.

Reading list

We've selected 45 books that we think will supplement your learning. Use these to develop background knowledge, enrich your coursework, and gain a deeper understanding of the topics covered in Leading Positive Change through Appreciative Inquiry.
Seminal work in the field of Appreciative Inquiry (AI). It provides a comprehensive overview of the AI process and its principles, and offers practical guidance on how to use AI to lead positive change in organizations.
Provides a theoretical foundation for the field of Positive Organizational Scholarship (POS). POS field of study that focuses on the strengths and virtues of organizations, and how these strengths can be used to create positive change.
This handbook provides a practical guide to using AI in a variety of settings, including organizations, communities, and individuals. It includes case studies and examples of how AI has been used to create positive change.
Provides an introduction to the field of positive psychology, which provides a theoretical foundation for the strengths-based approach of Appreciative Inquiry.
Practical guide to applying AI in various settings, including organizations, communities, and personal life. It provides exercises, tools, and case studies to help readers implement AI principles and create positive change.
This influential book introduces the concept of the learning organization, which emphasizes the importance of continuous learning and adaptation for organizational success.
Provides a practical guide to using a strengths-based approach to leadership. It includes tools and exercises for identifying and developing your strengths and those of your team members.
Provides a practical guide to using Appreciative Inquiry in organizations and communities. It includes case studies and exercises to help readers apply AI to their own work.
Comprehensive guide to the theory and practice of Appreciative Inquiry (AI). It provides a step-by-step approach to using AI to create positive change in organizations and communities.
Explores the science of habit formation, and provides insights for how to change our habits and create lasting change.
This handbook offers a wide range of tools and techniques for managing organizational change, including sections on Appreciative Inquiry and other positive change approaches.
Provides a theoretical foundation for AI and other positive organizational scholarship approaches. It explores the concepts of organizational positivity, resilience, and thriving.
Provides a framework for identifying and learning from positive deviants—individuals or groups who achieve exceptional results in the face of adversity. It can be applied to AI interventions to identify and build on existing strengths.
Provides insights on how our body language and mindset can affect our success, and offers practical tips for developing presence and confidence in various situations.
Provides a step-by-step framework for leading change in organizations. It outlines the key elements of successful change processes, including creating a sense of urgency, building a guiding team, developing a vision and strategy, and communicating the change effectively.
Collection of essays from leading practitioners in the field of AI. It provides a variety of perspectives on how to use AI to lead positive change in organizations.
Provides research-based evidence for the benefits of happiness and positive emotions in the workplace. It can be applied to AI interventions to create more positive and productive work environments.
Provides a practical guide to using positive leadership to create positive change in organizations and communities.
Presents case studies of successful organizational change initiatives. It offers practical advice and insights on creating a sense of urgency, forming a guiding coalition, developing a shared vision, and overcoming resistance to change.
Explores the elements that create and sustain high-performing teams and organizations. It provides insights into how leaders can create a culture of trust, collaboration, and innovation, which is essential for successful change initiatives.
Explores the power of vulnerability, courage, and authenticity. It offers insights into how to overcome fear, build resilience, and create meaningful connections, which are essential qualities for leaders seeking to create positive and transformative change.
Explores the concept of mindset and its impact on success. It offers insights into how to develop a growth mindset, which is characterized by a belief in one's ability to learn and grow, and how to overcome a fixed mindset, which is characterized by a belief that one's abilities are fixed.
Provides a framework for personal and professional effectiveness. It can be applied to AI interventions to help leaders develop the skills and habits necessary for leading positive change.
Provides a process for creating positive change by focusing on possibilities and solutions rather than problems. It can be applied to AI interventions to help leaders create more positive and inspiring visions for the future.
Provides a personal account of the author's year-long quest to increase her happiness. While not directly related to organizational change, it offers insights into the power of positive thinking, resilience, and finding joy in the present moment, which can be beneficial for leaders seeking to create a positive and fulfilling work environment.
Provides a practical guide to using positive psychology to lead others. It offers insights into how to identify and develop the strengths of your team members, and how to create a positive work environment.
Provides a practical guide to leading change in complex organizations. It can be applied to AI interventions to help leaders navigate the challenges and opportunities of change.
Provides a framework for building great organizations. It can be applied to AI interventions to help leaders create organizations that are more successful and sustainable.
Provides a framework for leading positive change in organizations. It draws on insights from history, psychology, and economics to offer a practical guide to creating lasting change.
Provides a study of 18 enduring companies and their common characteristics. It can be applied to AI interventions to help leaders create organizations that are more resilient and long-lasting.
Provides a fable-based guide to effective leadership. It can be applied to AI interventions to help leaders develop the skills and qualities necessary for leading positive change.
Provides a new perspective on motivation. It argues that traditional rewards and punishments are not as effective as intrinsic motivation, and offers insights into how to create a work environment that fosters intrinsic motivation.
Provides a framework for understanding why large organizations often fail to innovate. It offers insights into how to overcome the challenges of innovation and create a culture of innovation.
Provides a framework for understanding what makes a great company. It offers insights into the characteristics of great companies and how to create a culture of greatness.
Provides a framework for personal and professional effectiveness. It offers insights into how to develop good habits, set goals, and achieve success.
Provides a practical guide to using the Lean Startup methodology to create successful businesses. It offers insights into how to test your business ideas, iterate on your products, and build a successful business.


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