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Defining Diversity, Equity and Inclusion in Organizations

Richard Anthony Baker, J.D., M.P.A, Ph.D.

Defining Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion in Organizations is the first course of a four-course series. This course introduces the core definitions of diversity, equity, and inclusion and reasons why these efforts can often fail. We will also explore the elements for making the case for diversity and the concept of DE&I maturation where learners can assess their organization’s activities to determine where it may place on the DE&I continuum.

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Defining Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion in Organizations is the first course of a four-course series. This course introduces the core definitions of diversity, equity, and inclusion and reasons why these efforts can often fail. We will also explore the elements for making the case for diversity and the concept of DE&I maturation where learners can assess their organization’s activities to determine where it may place on the DE&I continuum.

By the end of this course, you will be able to:

1. Provide a common understanding of the terms diversity, equity and inclusion and how can it be effectively implemented into an organization.

2. Understand how our changing demography will impact your organization, discover various arguments used to make the case for diversity and connect them to your organization's success.

3. Recognize the various levels of diversity in the DE&I continuum and where your organization may be.

4. Identify the common struggles with implementing DE&I initiatives and how to avoid the many ways diversity efforts fail.

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Defining Diversity, Equity and Inclusion in Organizations
Defining Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion in Organizations is the first course of a four-course series. This course introduces the core definitions of diversity, equity, and inclusion and the reasons why these efforts can often fail. We will also explore the elements for making the case for diversity and the concept of DE&I maturation where learners can assess their organization’s activities to determine where it may place on the DE&I continuum.
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Defining DE&I
Making The Case For DE&I
The DE&I Continuum for Organizations
Why DE&I Efforts Often Fail

Good to know

Know what's good
, what to watch for
, and possible dealbreakers
Develops a common understanding of the terms diversity, equity, and inclusion and how they can be effectively implemented into an organization
Helps learners understand how changing demographics will impact their organization and discover arguments for making the case for diversity
Examines the various levels of diversity in the DE&I continuum and helps learners identify where their organization may be
Identifies common struggles with implementing DE&I initiatives and how to avoid pitfalls
Provides a foundation for further exploration and development in the area of diversity, equity, and inclusion
Taught by instructors with expertise in the field, ensuring access to up-to-date knowledge and industry best practices

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Career center

Learners who complete Defining Diversity, Equity and Inclusion in Organizations will develop knowledge and skills that may be useful to these careers:
Chief Diversity Officer
The Chief Diversity Officer (CDO) plays an essential role in implementing and leading diversity, equity, and inclusion (DE&I) initiatives within an organization. This course provides a comprehensive understanding of the core DE&I concepts and frameworks, which can equip CDOs with the knowledge and tools to develop and execute effective DE&I strategies. By understanding the elements for making the case for DE&I and the DE&I continuum, CDOs can effectively advocate for and implement DE&I programs that drive organizational success.
Diversity and Inclusion Manager
Diversity and Inclusion Managers are responsible for developing and implementing DE&I initiatives within organizations. This course provides a solid foundation in the core principles of DE&I, enabling individuals in this role to effectively assess an organization's DE&I maturity, identify areas for improvement, and design and implement tailored DE&I programs. The course also explores common challenges in implementing DE&I efforts, empowering Diversity and Inclusion Managers to navigate obstacles and drive positive change.
Human Resources Manager
Human Resources Managers play a critical role in promoting DE&I within organizations. This course provides HR Managers with a comprehensive understanding of the key concepts and frameworks related to DE&I. By exploring the elements for making the case for DE&I and understanding the different levels of diversity, HR Managers can effectively integrate DE&I principles into HR policies, practices, and programs. The course also addresses common challenges in implementing DE&I initiatives, enabling HR Managers to develop strategies to overcome these obstacles and create a more inclusive and equitable workplace.
Consultants specializing in diversity, equity, and inclusion help organizations assess their current DE&I practices, develop strategies to improve DE&I, and implement change initiatives. This course provides a deep understanding of the core concepts, frameworks, and challenges related to DE&I, equipping Consultants with the knowledge and tools to effectively guide organizations through their DE&I journey. By exploring the elements for making the case for DE&I and understanding the different levels of diversity, Consultants can tailor their recommendations to meet the specific needs of each client.
Equity and Inclusion Specialist
Equity and Inclusion Specialists are responsible for developing and implementing strategies to promote equity and inclusion within organizations. This course provides a comprehensive understanding of the core concepts and frameworks related to DE&I. By exploring the elements for making the case for DE&I and understanding the different levels of diversity, Equity and Inclusion Specialists can effectively assess an organization's current practices, identify areas for improvement, and design and implement tailored interventions to create a more equitable and inclusive workplace.
Program Manager
Program Managers responsible for DE&I initiatives play a vital role in driving organizational change. This course provides Program Managers with a comprehensive understanding of the core concepts and frameworks related to DE&I. By exploring the elements for making the case for DE&I and understanding the different levels of diversity, Program Managers can effectively design and implement DE&I programs that align with organizational goals. The course also addresses common challenges in implementing DE&I initiatives, enabling Program Managers to develop strategies to overcome these obstacles and create meaningful and lasting change.
Organizational Development Manager
Organizational Development Managers are responsible for improving organizational performance through initiatives that focus on employee development, culture, and change management. This course provides Organizational Development Managers with a comprehensive understanding of the core concepts and frameworks related to DE&I. By exploring the elements for making the case for DE&I and understanding the different levels of diversity, Organizational Development Managers can effectively integrate DE&I principles into organizational development strategies, programs, and practices. The course also addresses common challenges in implementing DE&I initiatives, enabling Organizational Development Managers to develop strategies to overcome these obstacles and create a more inclusive and equitable workplace.
Diversity Advocate
Diversity Advocates promote and support diversity, equity, and inclusion within organizations and communities. This course provides Diversity Advocates with a comprehensive understanding of the core concepts and frameworks related to DE&I. By exploring the elements for making the case for DE&I and understanding the different levels of diversity, Diversity Advocates can effectively advocate for policies, practices, and programs that create a more inclusive and equitable environment.
Recruiters are responsible for attracting and hiring top talent to organizations. This course provides Recruiters with a comprehensive understanding of the core concepts and frameworks related to DE&I. By exploring the elements for making the case for DE&I and understanding the different levels of diversity, Recruiters can effectively implement DE&I strategies into their recruiting practices. The course also addresses common challenges in implementing DE&I initiatives, enabling Recruiters to develop strategies to overcome these obstacles and build a more diverse and inclusive workforce.
Business Analyst
Business Analysts may be involved in projects or initiatives related to diversity, equity, and inclusion. This course provides Business Analysts with a foundation in the core concepts and frameworks related to DE&I. By understanding the different levels of diversity and the challenges in implementing DE&I initiatives, Business Analysts can contribute to data-driven decision-making and the development of effective DE&I strategies.
Training and Development Manager
Training and Development Managers are responsible for designing and delivering training programs that support organizational goals and employee development. This course provides Training and Development Managers with a foundation in the core concepts and frameworks related to DE&I. By understanding the different levels of diversity and the challenges in implementing DE&I initiatives, Training and Development Managers can design and deliver effective training programs that promote inclusion and equity.
Employee Relations Manager
Employee Relations Managers are responsible for handling employee concerns, grievances, and disciplinary issues. This course provides Employee Relations Managers with a foundation in the core concepts and frameworks related to DE&I. By understanding the different levels of diversity and the challenges in implementing DE&I initiatives, Employee Relations Managers can effectively address employee concerns and create a more inclusive and equitable workplace.
Project Manager
Project Managers may be involved in projects or initiatives related to diversity, equity, and inclusion. This course provides Project Managers with a foundation in the core concepts and frameworks related to DE&I. By understanding the different levels of diversity and the challenges in implementing DE&I initiatives, Project Managers can effectively manage projects that promote inclusion and equity.
Communications Manager
Communications Managers may be involved in developing and implementing communications strategies that promote DE&I. This course provides Communications Managers with a foundation in the core concepts and frameworks related to DE&I. By understanding the different levels of diversity and the challenges in implementing DE&I initiatives, Communications Managers can develop and implement effective communications strategies that foster inclusivity and equity.
Marketing Manager
Marketing Managers may be involved in developing and implementing marketing campaigns that target diverse audiences. This course provides Marketing Managers with a foundation in the core concepts and frameworks related to DE&I. By understanding the different levels of diversity and the challenges in implementing DE&I initiatives, Marketing Managers can develop and implement effective marketing campaigns that resonate with diverse audiences.

Reading list

We've selected nine books that we think will supplement your learning. Use these to develop background knowledge, enrich your coursework, and gain a deeper understanding of the topics covered in Defining Diversity, Equity and Inclusion in Organizations.
Provides a comprehensive overview of the research on diversity and inclusion. Dobbin and Kalev argue that diversity is not enough; organizations must also be inclusive in order to reap the benefits of diversity.
Provides a critical analysis of the intersection of race, gender, and class in the United States. Collins argues that these three factors are interconnected and that they shape our experiences of the world.
Provides a comprehensive overview of the business case for diversity and inclusion. Thomas and Ely present research that shows that organizations with more diverse workforces are more innovative, productive, and profitable.
Provides a practical guide to managing diversity in the workplace. Gardenswartz and Rowe cover a wide range of topics, including how to create a more inclusive culture, how to manage conflict, and how to develop diversity training programs.
Explores the future of diversity and inclusion in the workplace. Thomas argues that organizations need to move beyond traditional diversity and inclusion initiatives and create more inclusive cultures.
Provides a practical guide to becoming a more inclusive leader. Reed covers a wide range of topics, including how to create a more inclusive culture, how to manage conflict, and how to develop diversity training programs.
Explores the importance of culture in creating successful organizations. Coyle argues that culture is not something that can be created overnight, but rather something that must be nurtured and developed over time.
Explores the importance of finding your passion and pursuing it. Robinson argues that everyone has a unique talent or passion that they can use to make a difference in the world.


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