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Leading in a Complex Environment

Bernard McKenna

Leaders must be prepared to succeed in fast-moving, complex, global business environments. This course is intended for people working in the modern-day global organization and will teach you how to tackle these complex and challenging issues, including:

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Leaders must be prepared to succeed in fast-moving, complex, global business environments. This course is intended for people working in the modern-day global organization and will teach you how to tackle these complex and challenging issues, including:

  • How global issues, such as global warming and geopolitical tensions, impact an organization's decision-making process and how to navigate these challenging issues.
  • How leaders respond to and manage issues such as social responsibility, environmental sustainability, crisis management, and cultural differences.
  • How leaders represent their organizations and why it’s important they demonstrate virtue and authenticity to build trust.

This course draws on the diverse knowledge of both leadership scholars and experienced leaders. Through a series of engaging videos, interviews, case studies, written reflections, peer feedback, and other self-insight activities, this course alerts learners to intractable problems that are too often ignored. The course will not provide convenient off-the-rack answers, but asks students to dig deep into their own soul to firstly acknowledge the problems in our contemporary world and then reflect on whether they have the capacity to negotiate them.

What's inside

Learning objectives

  • External influences in leadership, the macro-conditions that shape the global context.
  • What the nature of power is and how to use it virtuously when representing your organization.
  • How to lead with social responsibility and for environmental and social sustainability.
  • How virtuous leadership needs to be representative and inclusive.


MODULE 1: THE PLANET, PEOPLE AND LEADERSHIPFocuses on human responsibility for the planet and the underlying need for leadership virtue, considering broader social issues.
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MODULE 2: THE PLANETExamines a range of philosophical concepts as frameworks to understand and address global leadership challenges.
MODULE 3: LEADING FOR SUSTAINABILITYSuccessful and virtuous leadersprovide insight onhow tobecome a reflective and virtuous leader when faced with the challenges of working in organizations that are largely oriented to short-term, profit-based criteria that often reward the wrong leaders.
MODULE 4: PERSUASIVE LEADERS: AVOIDING GREENWASH AND SPINConsiders authentic persuasion as an important leadership characteristic, and explores how inauthentic persuasion in organizations and in politics using greenwash and spin leads to a loss of public trust.
MODULE 5: BEING ‘POLITICAL’Considers the real issues of power, how leadership theory rarely deals with these andhow an authentic leader negotiates situations and uses power virtuously to achieve life-affirming outcomes.
MODULE 6: COURAGEOUS LEADERSHIPConsiders different types of courage, namely physical and moral courage. Alsoexplains the the concept of conation, which is moving from intention to action, in defining courageous leadership.
MODULE 7: WOMEN IN LEADERSHIPFocuses on the enablers needed for women to achieve positions of influence within their organizations and society at largeand identifies success factors and opportunities for the current and emerging generations of women leaders.
MODULE 8: THE WISE LEADERIntroduces the concept of wise leadership, providing an understanding of how wisdom is theorized in contemporary times and its relevance to leading for sustainable global development and fair organizations in order to promote human flourishing.
MODULE 9: PRACTICAL WISDOM IN ORGANIZATIONSConsiders how wisdom can be practically applied in organizational leadership settings and draws attention to the difficulty of being wise as organizations become more complicated by bureaucratic discourses.
MODULE 10: INDIGENOUS LEADERSHIPConsiders ancient wisdoms that have been retained within Indigenous cultures despite having suffered devastating oppression and exclusion.

Good to know

Know what's good
, what to watch for
, and possible dealbreakers
Explores external influences on leadership, such as global warming and geopolitical tensions, which is relevant for leaders in contemporary global organizations
Develops understanding of the nature of power and how to use it virtuously, which is crucial for leaders representing their organizations
Teaches how to lead with social responsibility and for environmental and social sustainability, which are important qualities for leaders in today's business environment
Examines the importance of virtuous leadership being representative and inclusive, which is relevant for leaders seeking to build trust and foster a diverse and equitable workplace
Uses case studies, written reflections, peer feedback, and self-insight activities, which provide diverse and engaging learning experiences
Alerts learners to intractable problems often ignored in leadership discussions, encouraging critical reflection and self-awareness

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Career center

Learners who complete Leading in a Complex Environment will develop knowledge and skills that may be useful to these careers:
Project Manager
A Project Manager is responsible for planning, organizing, and executing projects. They work with teams to complete projects on time and within budget. This course may be helpful for Project Managers as it provides insights into leading in a complex environment and managing global issues.
A Consultant provides advice and expertise to organizations on a specific topic or issue. They work with clients to identify and solve problems, and they develop and implement solutions. This course may be helpful for Consultants as it provides insights into leading in a complex environment and managing global issues.
Chief Executive Officer
A Chief Executive Officer (CEO) is responsible for the overall success of a company. They make important decisions about the company's strategy, operations, and finances. This course may be useful for CEOs as it provides insights into leading in a complex environment and managing global issues.
Chief Operating Officer
A Chief Operating Officer (COO) is responsible for the day-to-day operations of a company. They work closely with the CEO to implement the company's strategy and ensure that the company is running smoothly. This course may be helpful for COOs as it provides insights into leading in a complex environment and managing global issues.
Department Manager
A Department Manager is responsible for the operations of a specific department within a company. They oversee all aspects of the department's business, including finance, marketing, sales, and operations. This course may be helpful for Department Managers as it provides insights into leading in a complex environment and managing global issues.
General Manager
A General Manager is responsible for the overall operations of a company's business unit or division. They oversee all aspects of the business, including finance, marketing, sales, and operations. This course may be helpful for General Managers as it provides insights into leading in a complex environment and managing global issues.
Division Manager
A Division Manager is responsible for the operations of a specific division or department within a company. They oversee all aspects of the division's business, including finance, marketing, sales, and operations. This course may be helpful for Division Managers as it provides insights into leading in a complex environment and managing global issues.
Chief Marketing Officer
A Chief Marketing Officer (CMO) is responsible for the marketing and branding of a company. They develop and implement marketing campaigns to promote the company's products or services. This course may be helpful for CMOs as it provides insights into leading in a complex environment and managing global issues.
Chief Financial Officer
A Chief Financial Officer (CFO) is responsible for the financial health of a company. They manage the company's finances, including budgeting, forecasting, and financial reporting. This course may be helpful for CFOs as it provides insights into leading in a complex environment and managing global issues.
An Analyst researches and analyzes data to identify trends and patterns. They provide insights and recommendations to organizations to help them make better decisions. This course may be helpful for Analysts as it provides insights into leading in a complex environment and managing global issues.
Chief Technology Officer
A Chief Technology Officer (CTO) is responsible for the technology and infrastructure of a company. They lead the development and implementation of new technologies to support the company's business goals. This course may be helpful for CTOs as it provides insights into leading in a complex environment and managing global issues.
Chief Human Resources Officer
A Chief Human Resources Officer (CHRO) is responsible for the human resources of a company. They develop and implement HR policies and procedures, and they manage the company's employees. This course may be helpful for CHROs as it provides insights into leading in a complex environment and managing global issues.
A Researcher conducts research to investigate and understand specific topics or issues. They collect and analyze data to develop new knowledge and insights. This course may be helpful for Researchers as it provides insights into leading in a complex environment and managing global issues.
An Editor reviews and edits written content to ensure that it is clear, concise, and error-free. They work with writers to improve the quality of their writing. This course may be helpful for Editors as it provides insights into leading in a complex environment and managing global issues.
A Writer creates written content for a variety of purposes, such as marketing, communication, and education. They develop and write articles, blog posts, website content, and other written materials. This course may be helpful for Writers as it provides insights into leading in a complex environment and managing global issues.

Reading list

We've selected 15 books that we think will supplement your learning. Use these to develop background knowledge, enrich your coursework, and gain a deeper understanding of the topics covered in Leading in a Complex Environment.
Classic in the field of leadership, and it provides a wealth of insights and practical advice on how to lead effectively. It is particularly relevant for this course because it discusses how to lead in the face of uncertainty and change.
Provides a practical framework for creating a culture of accountability in your organization. It is particularly relevant for this course because it discusses how to lead in a way that inspires others to take responsibility for their actions.
Provides a practical guide to having difficult conversations effectively. It is particularly relevant for this course because it discusses how to lead in a way that builds trust and respect.
Provides a comprehensive overview of emotional intelligence, and it offers practical advice on how to develop your own emotional intelligence skills. It is particularly relevant for this course because it discusses how to lead in a way that is emotionally intelligent.
Provides a fascinating look at the science of habit formation, and it offers practical advice on how to change your habits. It is particularly relevant for this course because it discusses how to lead in a way that creates lasting change.
Provides a new understanding of what motivates people, and it offers practical advice on how to create a more motivating work environment. It is particularly relevant for this course because it discusses how to lead in a way that inspires others to do their best work.
Classic in the field of business management, and it provides a wealth of insights into what makes a great company. It is particularly relevant for this course because it discusses how to lead in a way that creates a great organization.
Classic in the field of innovation, and it provides a wealth of insights into why even the most successful companies can fail to innovate. It is particularly relevant for this course because it discusses how to lead in a way that fosters innovation.
Provides a practical guide to the Lean Startup methodology, which process for developing and testing new products and services quickly and efficiently. It is particularly relevant for this course because it discusses how to lead in a way that is innovative and entrepreneurial.
Provides a unique perspective on how to build a successful startup company. It is particularly relevant for this course because it discusses how to lead in a way that is visionary and ambitious.
Provides a practical guide to getting your startup company's first customers. It is particularly relevant for this course because it discusses how to lead in a way that is focused on growth.
Provides a wealth of insights into the challenges that startup companies face. It is particularly relevant for this course because it discusses how to lead in a way that avoids common pitfalls.
This ancient Chinese military treatise provides a timeless framework for understanding strategy and leadership. It is particularly relevant for this course because it discusses how to lead in a way that is wise and effective.


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