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Patricia Benítez Corona and Miguel Angel Ruíz

Este curso, ofrecido por la UNAM, te presenta técnicas que permiten entender las ventajas del pensamiento divergente (creativo) como una habilidad fundamental en la solución de problemas. Revisa, también, la metodología para manejar estilos participativos en la toma de decisiones asegurando la efectividad de las mismas y la aceptación por parte del personal al ser tomado en cuenta.

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What's inside


Concepto de problema
En muchas ocasiones, el directivo no alcanza a definir correctamente una situación problemática y confunde los elementos de la misma. En este inicio del curso, definiremos las características de un problema y a través de un ejercicio desarrollaremos habilidades para lograr soluciones exitosas aplicando algunos de los principios del Dr. Norman R. F. Maier.
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Método de exploración de problemas
Al finalizar este módulo habrás aplicado el método de exploración de problemas, que te será muy útil para ubicar los obstáculos que te impiden llegar a tus metas laborales y personales.
Principios de solución de problemas y dirección del pensamiento
Este módulo te permitirá aplicar algunos de los principios de dirección del pensamiento que aportó el Dr. Maier, los cuales te ayudarán a manejar este proceso de una manera más creativa, sin las ideas habituales que no pueden ser evitadas cuando tratamos de solucionar un problema, pero que sí podemos relegar para buscar soluciones más innovadoras.
El área de libertad del directivo para la toma de decisiones (TD)
La definición de los problemas a superar que un directivo tiene en sus manos es muy importante para evitar dar soluciones que no se apeguen a la realidad o que estén fuera de su nivel de autoridad. Esto le permitirá canalizar sus esfuerzos y los de su equipo al resolver problemas reales y en su tramo de control.
Procesos mentales en la TD
En este módulo, tendrás oportunidad de dejar de aplicar métodos habituales para solucionar problemas como el de ensayo y error, que además pocas veces da resultado y adquirirás habilidad para analizar los problemas buscando todas las alternativas posibles antes de tomar la decisión.
Elementos para involucrar al personal en la toma de decisiones
En muchas ocasiones, los directivos prefieren tomar las decisiones por sí mismos, sin hacer participar a su grupo y esto se debe a que carecen de habilidad para conducir sesiones para resolver problemas con sus equipos. En este módulo nos enfocaremos a que domines algunos principios para plantear en forma adecuada un problema a tus colaboradores.
Aceptación y calidad, elementos básicos para alcanzar una decisión efectiva e integral
Lo interesante del enfoque del Dr. Maier para solucionar problemas es que nos da información sobre aspectos conductuales que siempre están presentes en una junta de trabajo, como la actitud y la frustración. Y nos explica la importancia que tiene el escuchar activamente a nuestro grupo y lograr que nuevamente el equipo colabore en una forma creativa y armónica en la solución de los problemas. Propiciar este clima con el grupo nos permitirá alcanzar decisiones integrales en las que logremos obtener más ventajas y menos desventajas.

Good to know

Know what's good
, what to watch for
, and possible dealbreakers
Desarrolla habilidades de pensamiento divergente y creativo, esenciales para la resolución de problemas
Proporciona herramientas para manejar estilos participativos en la toma de decisiones, asegurando su efectividad y aceptación
Impartido por Patricia Benítez Corona y Miguel Angel Ruíz, reconocidos expertos en el campo de la resolución de problemas
Ofrecido por la UNAM, una institución de renombre en el campo académico
Cubre aspectos conductuales en la toma de decisiones, como la actitud y la frustración
Se enfoca en desarrollar habilidades prácticas para resolver problemas en un contexto laboral

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Reviews summary

Solución de problemas y toma de decisiones efectivas

Esta oferta de la UNAM enseña métodos para abordar la resolución de problemas y la toma de decisiones con técnicas que mejoran la creatividad y la efectividad. El curso ayuda a los estudiantes a comprender los problemas y a encontrar soluciones innovadoras a través de principios de dirección del pensamiento.
Proporciona materiales de lectura y videos para reforzar el aprendizaje y ampliar el conocimiento.
"Es un curso que aborda el tema de manera general, los profesores facilitan el conociento de forma sencilla y amena; se disfruta el curso aprendiendo."
"el profesor no solo expone la materia sino que ejemplifica con casos realeas, lo cual se agradece."
"El material de estudio excelente"
Ayuda a mejorar las habilidades de resolución de problemas al proporcionar técnicas y estrategias efectivas.
"El curso me permitió superarme en los temas relacionados con la solución de problemas y la toma de decisiones."
"Tiene el sello de la UNAM, el mejor curso!"
"Excelente curso, aprendí bastante,muchas gracias al docente por su estupenda presentación."
Profesores expertos que transmiten su conocimiento y experiencia de manera clara y amena.
"Excelente Curso, aprendí diferentes formas de solucionar un problema."
"Excelente curso. Plantea metdologíasentendibles y aplicable a cualquier stuación laboral."
"Me gustó mucho, el profesor explica muy bien, es preciso y muy claro con su transmisión."
Utiliza videos, lecturas y ejercicios interactivos para hacer el aprendizaje atractivo y efectivo.
"Excelente curso! De inmediato inicié a colocar en practica y desde ya tengo frutos de este."
"La dinámica del curso fue excelente, los ejercicios... para buscar la mejor solución fue excelente."
"Excelente, la forma de impartir los cursos muy práctica... los materiales que proporcionan.Felicidades"
Brinda herramientas prácticas para analizar problemas y tomar decisiones en distintos ámbitos de la vida.
"Muy buen curso, aporta muy buenos consejos para aplicar en la vida personal y profesional."
"Un curso donde se aprenda demasiado, no se necesita ser gerente, lo que aprendes se puede aplicar a cualquier nivel e incluso a nuestro día a día"
"Los conocimientos adquiridos los ejecuto en el día a dia; es una metodología que ayuda a tomar decisiones."


Be better prepared before your course. Deepen your understanding during and after it. Supplement your coursework and achieve mastery of the topics covered in Solución de problemas y toma de decisiones with these activities:
Connect with a mentor
Benefit from the insights and guidance of an experienced problem-solver.
Browse courses on Mentorship
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  • Identify individuals who have expertise in problem-solving.
  • Reach out to them and request a mentorship.
Revise concepts of problem solving
Keep your problem-solving skills sharp by reviewing the fundamentals before the course begins.
Browse courses on Problem Solving
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  • Review the definition and characteristics of a problem.
  • Practice applying the problem exploration method.
  • Refresh your understanding of the principles of solution generation.
Compile a list of resources on problem-solving
Expand your knowledge by gathering and organizing valuable resources on problem-solving.
Browse courses on Problem Solving
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  • Search for articles, books, and websites on problem-solving.
  • Review the resources and select the most relevant ones.
  • Organize the resources into a logical structure.
Four other activities
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Follow tutorials on decision-making techniques
Enhance your decision-making skills by exploring different techniques and best practices.
Browse courses on Decision Making
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  • Research different decision-making models.
  • Identify the strengths and weaknesses of each model.
  • Practice applying the models to real-world scenarios.
Solve practice problems
Reinforce your understanding of problem-solving techniques by practicing on a variety of exercises.
Browse courses on Problem Solving
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  • Identify the key elements of the problem.
  • Generate a list of potential solutions.
  • Evaluate the pros and cons of each solution.
  • Select and implement the best solution.
Attend a workshop on creative problem-solving
Participate in a hands-on workshop to develop your creative problem-solving abilities.
Browse courses on Creative Thinking
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  • Learn about different creative problem-solving techniques.
  • Practice applying the techniques to real-world problems.
  • Receive feedback from experts and peers.
Lead a project to solve a real-world problem
Apply your problem-solving skills to a meaningful project that makes a difference.
Browse courses on Project Management
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  • Identify a problem that you are passionate about.
  • Develop a plan to solve the problem.
  • Recruit a team of people to help you.
  • Implement your plan and track your progress.
  • Evaluate the results of your project.

Career center

Learners who complete Solución de problemas y toma de decisiones will develop knowledge and skills that may be useful to these careers:
Chief Strategy Officer
A Chief Strategy Officer leads the strategic planning of an organization, sets its long-term vision, and implements the organization's strategic plan. This role is suitable for those with an interest in business strategy, management, and innovation. Solución de problemas y toma de decisiones, with its focus on problem-solving techniques and decision-making methodologies, can be a highly valuable course for aspiring Chief Strategy Officers to equip them with the skills to gather and analyze data, identify and evaluate strategic options, and make informed decisions.
Management Consultant
A Management Consultant advises businesses and organizations on how to improve their performance using analytical and problem-solving skills. This is an ideal career path for individuals who are interested in business optimization and strategy. The course, Solución de problemas y toma de decisiones, can be highly beneficial for Management Consultants because it teaches problem-solving techniques, decision-making methodologies, and creative thinking, which are all important skills for success in this role.
Chief Executive Officer
A Chief Executive Officer (CEO) is the highest-ranking executive in an organization, responsible for making key decisions and overseeing the overall operations of the company. Those interested in leadership and management will find this role to be a good fit for their interests. Solución de problemas y toma de decisiones can be a valuable asset to CEOs due to its focus on problem-solving techniques, decision-making methodologies, and leadership skills, all of which are essential for effective leadership.
Business Analyst
A Business Analyst identifies and analyzes business needs and develops solutions to improve business processes. This role is ideal for individuals who are interested in data analysis, process improvement, and problem-solving. The course, Solución de problemas y toma de decisiones, can be a valuable asset to Business Analysts as it teaches problem-solving techniques, decision-making methodologies, and analytical thinking, which are all important skills for success in this role.
Project Manager
A Project Manager plans, executes, and closes projects to achieve specific goals. Individuals who are interested in project management and leadership will find this role to be a good fit for their interests and career goals. The course, Solución de problemas y toma de decisiones, can be highly useful to Project Managers because it teaches problem-solving techniques, decision-making methodologies, and leadership skills, all of which are important skills for success in this role.
Operations Manager
An Operations Manager plans, organizes, and directs the production and delivery of goods and services. This role suits individuals who are interested in operations management, supply chain management, and process optimization. Solución de problemas y toma de decisiones can be a valuable asset to Operations Managers as it teaches problem-solving techniques, decision-making methodologies, and process optimization techniques, all of which are important skills for success in this role.
Risk Manager
A Risk Manager identifies, assesses, and mitigates risks. This role is ideal for individuals who are interested in risk management, compliance, and internal control. Solución de problemas y toma de decisiones can be a valuable asset to Risk Managers as it teaches problem-solving techniques, decision-making methodologies, and risk management techniques, all of which are important skills for success in this role.
Data Analyst
A Data Analyst collects, analyzes, and interprets data to extract meaningful insights. This role suits individuals who are interested in data analysis, data mining, and business intelligence. Solución de problemas y toma de decisiones may be useful for Data Analysts due to its focus on analytical thinking, problem-solving techniques, and decision-making methodologies.
Systems Analyst
A Systems Analyst analyzes and designs technology solutions to meet business needs. This role suits individuals who are interested in systems analysis, software development, and business process improvement. Solución de problemas y toma de decisiones may be useful for Systems Analysts due to its focus on problem-solving techniques and decision-making methodologies, which are important for success in this role.
Quality Assurance Manager
A Quality Assurance Manager plans and executes quality assurance programs to ensure that products and services meet quality standards. This role is ideal for individuals who are interested in quality management, quality control, and process improvement. Solución de problemas y toma de decisiones may be useful for Quality Assurance Managers due to its focus on problem-solving techniques and decision-making methodologies, which are important for success in this role.
Product Manager
A Product Manager plans, develops, and markets products to meet customer needs. This role is ideal for individuals who are interested in product management, product development, and marketing. Solución de problemas y toma de decisiones may be useful for Product Managers due to its focus on problem-solving techniques and decision-making methodologies, which are important for success in this role.
Financial Analyst
A Financial Analyst analyzes financial data to make investment recommendations and assess the financial health of companies. This role is ideal for individuals who are interested in finance, investments, and financial modeling. Solución de problemas y toma de decisiones may be useful for Financial Analysts due to its focus on analytical thinking, problem-solving techniques, and decision-making methodologies.
Marketing Manager
A Marketing Manager plans and executes marketing campaigns to promote products and services. This role is ideal for individuals who are interested in marketing, advertising, and brand management. Solución de problemas y toma de decisiones may be useful for Marketing Managers due to its focus on problem-solving techniques and decision-making methodologies, which are important for success in this role.
Human Resources Manager
A Human Resources Manager plans and executes human resources programs to attract, develop, and retain employees. This role is ideal for individuals who are interested in human resources, employee relations, and talent management. Solución de problemas y toma de decisiones may be useful for Human Resources Managers due to its focus on problem-solving techniques and decision-making methodologies, which are important for success in this role.
Sales Manager
A Sales Manager plans and executes sales strategies to achieve sales targets. This role is ideal for individuals who are interested in sales, business development, and customer relationship management. Solución de problemas y toma de decisiones may be useful for Sales Managers due to its focus on problem-solving techniques and decision-making methodologies, which are important for success in this role.

Reading list

We've selected 16 books that we think will supplement your learning. Use these to develop background knowledge, enrich your coursework, and gain a deeper understanding of the topics covered in Solución de problemas y toma de decisiones.
Offers a framework for making better decisions in both personal and professional life. It provides a step-by-step process for identifying and evaluating options, and for making choices that are aligned with your values and goals. Provides practical advice on how to avoid common decision-making pitfalls.
Texto que profundiza en las teorías de resolución de problemas, con ejercicios prácticos para su aplicación. Es relevante por su cobertura del enfoque de resolución de problemas de Maier, que se introduce en el curso.
Explores the two systems of thinking that operate in the human brain: System 1, which is fast, intuitive, and emotional, and System 2, which is slow, deliberate, and rational. It provides insights into how these two systems interact and influence our decision-making. Helps to understand the psychological biases that can affect decision-making.
Un enfoque práctico para la resolución creativa de problemas, con técnicas para generar ideas innovadoras. Es especialmente útil para complementar el principio de dirección del pensamiento en el curso.
Este libro proporciona una visión general del pensamiento divergente, un proceso creativo que genera múltiples soluciones a un problema. Ofrecerá técnicas prácticas para aplicar el pensamiento divergente a la resolución de problemas y la innovación.
Guía práctica para resolver problemas de forma efectiva, cubriendo aspectos como la definición del problema, la generación de alternativas y la toma de decisiones. Apoya los conceptos generales de resolución de problemas en el curso.
Explores the challenges that established companies face when they try to innovate. It provides a framework for understanding the innovation process and for developing strategies to overcome the innovator's dilemma. Offers insights into the challenges of innovation and provides guidance on how to overcome them.
Texto orientado a estudiantes y profesionales que buscan desarrollar habilidades de resolución de problemas. Introduce técnicas utilizadas por pensadores famosos, como el pensamiento divergente y el razonamiento lógico.
Provides a practical guide to design thinking, a human-centered approach to problem solving and innovation. It offers a step-by-step process for applying design thinking to real-world problems. Provides a hands-on approach to problem-solving and helps to develop creative solutions.
Offers a practical approach to starting a new business or product. It provides a step-by-step process for testing ideas, building prototypes, and getting feedback from customers. Offers guidance on how to validate business ideas and build successful products.
Provides a range of techniques for solving problems in groups. It offers tools and exercises for generating ideas, facilitating discussions, and reaching consensus. Helps to develop skills in group problem-solving and decision-making.
Explores the importance of divergent thinking in problem solving and innovation. It provides a range of techniques for generating new ideas and breaking out of conventional thought patterns. Offers insights into the creative process and helps to develop divergent thinking skills.
Provides a practical guide to making difficult decisions. It offers a step-by-step process for identifying and evaluating options, and for making choices that are aligned with your values and goals. Provides additional perspectives on decision-making and helps to develop decision-making skills.
Provides a classic guide to effective management. It offers insights into the key principles of effective leadership and management. Provides additional perspectives on management and helps to develop leadership skills.
Provides a practical guide to thinking skills. It offers a range of techniques and exercises for improving memory, concentration, and problem-solving abilities. Helps to develop cognitive skills and improve overall thinking abilities.


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